Well, the new year has certainly been a busy one for our family. The boys have spent loads of time enjoying their gifts from Santa and all of our friends and family. Al and I have been tripping over trains and trucks for two weeks now. Work has kept us out of the house but having the opportunity to care the patients and families makes time spent away from the boys a bit easier. I finally got around to taking down all of the Christmas decorations on Monday before watching our poor Buckeyes loose to LSU :( Carson and Eli were sad to see the Christmas tree go away and my heart was breaking watching the game! We also have been blessed with several snowstorms over the past two weeks (in addition to absurd 70 degree weather and severe storms for a few days). C and E perfected their snowball techniques and seem to catch me off guard whenever my back is turned. Sneaky little men they are growing into.
A few sore spots in 2008 have also popped up in addition to all of our good times. Eli ended up with 2nd and 3rd degree burns on three of his fingers on his right had this past Sunday. We were at my parents' house and he touched the hot burner on the stove right after I took the tea pot off of it. He didn't cry once and calmly told the ER doctor that he "shouldn't touch the hot stove, only [his] playdough stove". I have been scrubbing the burns daily with soap and water, putting neosporin on them, and doing ROM since the burns are across his knuckles. He doesn't seem to notice any of it and is going about life as usual.
Carson's little rat also kicked the bucket this week. Wednesday Al and I were leaving to pick up the boys and I noticed Snow wasn't looking so hot. She looked deflated. Snow went to "doggie heaven" as Carson put it, shortly afterwards and when Al and I picked up the boys we told Carson the bad news. We gave him the option of getting a new rat or just sharing Eli's rat, Storm. He, of course, decided to got straight to the pet store and pick out a new rat. Our newest family member could be an even whiter clone of Snow appropriately named Blizzard by Carson. Storm and Blizzard are getting along well and Carson is healed from his grief.
I also have some bad medical news. I will be having surgery next Wednesday, 1/16. I have an abdominal wall tumor which is through my rectus abdominis muscle. They do not know what the tumor is but possible diagnosis are endometrioma, desmoid tumor, and soft tissue sarcoma. They will have to do a full thickness, wide, aggressive excision with >2cm margins due to the possibility of malignancy. I should have the pathology back within 48 hours. They may need to do a mesh graft of my abdominal wall due to the size of the muscle defect after the tumor is removed. They do not know how much tissue will need to be taken until they get in there and see how much it has grown since my MRI on 12/26. Wish me luck and pray that my recovery is fast and that it is not cancer. I need to get back to my family and my work as soon as possible.
Well, that is a wrap-up of 2008 so far. I have tons of great pictures to post but I need to upload them to my computer first. I have Sunday off of work so hopefully you will see some bright, shining Carson and Eli pics then.