Current stats from yesterday's pediatrician appointments:
Carson- 6 years old
weight- 49.5 lbs (65-70th%)
height- 50 inches (off the charts tall--50% for an 8 year old!!!)
BMI- 7.5 (long and lean)
We need to continue his current asthma regimen and keep up the good work. Carson's 6 year old molars are poking through on the bottom and his front bottom teeth are loose. Hemaglobin was 13.7 and he finished up his Hepatitis A series. Carson didn't cry and watched the whole time. When he was done he picked out a ninja toy from the toy tower. Overall a wonderful 6 year appointment.
Elias- 4 years old
weight- 36.2 lbs (50%)
height- 42 inches (85%)
BMI- 5.5 (long and lean....but great on the growth charts for the first time!)
Eli had a great appointment as well. The ped was quite impressed with his growth over the past year although was didn't like that was still rely on his feeding tube so much. Good nutrition and growth is wonderful any way they get it! Little man's hip was okay although he is still limping on and off with too much activity. He also was started on a 10 day course of Omicef due to a bad episode of aspiration last week that is developing into aspiration pneumonia. Hemaglobin was 13.1 and Eli got a sticky frog out of the toy tower for the blood draw!
It's amazing that they are growing so quickly but so much fun to watch.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
A New Nurse in the Family
Our family proudly gathered downtown to watch Al graduate with high honors from nursing school yesterday. After 15 straight months of classes, clinical, and studying, we now have a new nurse in the family. Congratulations babe on your second degree and welcome to the best profession out there!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Happy Birthday Boys

My little babies are babies no longer. Carson is now six and Elias is four. My goodness time has flown by quickly. I couldn't be more in love or in amazement that Al and I created these two astounding children. How far they have come in their lifetime already!
Carson always needs to know how things work and what processes are used in everyday machines and products. He shocks us by randomly figuring out simple multiplication in the backseat of the car to reading words and books at a level we didn't think he had mastered. Art continues to be a stable outlet for Carson's energy and we often find him settling into a craft or drawing instead of running around out of control like he did when he was younger. Our big man also played on a soccer team for the first time this year and loved every minute of it. He is caring and empathetic but most of all just a lovable kid. Next up....first grade! Happy Birthday big guy!

Elias is a true character and comedian. Sarcasm is not lost on his young four year old mind. Throughout each day you will find him teasing Carson and Daddy, laughing at himself, and making silly faces in the mirror for entertainment. Girls are his weakness and when you ask him about his "girlfriend(s) of the week" he blushes and gets bashful with a sly little grin across his face. Eli is fiercely independent and wants to help make his own food, mix his own thickener, buckle his car seat belts on his own, and put his braces on without help. He is a cuddler but incredibly stubborn and bullheaded at times. That strong will has gotten him through life this far and will carry him throughout adulthood successfully. He laughs when he falls and bounces right back up saying, "I'm okay, I'm okay, I'm okay". I can't wait to see how his personality develops over the next year. Happy Birthday little man!
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Where have you been?
Lazy summer days are ahead but my schedule has been packed during the past two weeks. Al finished school and will graduate June 20th with his LPN earning a 3.96 GPA!!! I'm so proud of my husband and can't wait until he can discover the joys of nursing. Carson finished soccer for the season and had a class field trip to the zoo last week. Elias is learning his letter sounds and can now write his name on his own. Tuesday I took my GRE to get into the neonatal nurse practitioner program and I'm glad that sucker is over! All of this has been happening in the midst of doctor's appointments, IEP reviews, and birthday parties.
I will post pics of the boys and their parties in the next few weeks but first we are going on vacation. That's right.....I have 16 straight days off of work. I won't know what to do with myself but it will be worth it. Al and I are going to have a trip without the boys for the first time ever! We will be dropping them off at Granny and Papaw's house Monday night and then leaving for Florida Tuesday morning. Sunday we will head back to Granny and Papaw's house and stay through Friday. Al graduates Saturday the 20th and then I have free time with the family until the 25th. What a glorious month this will be. So, send great vacation vibes and tell the sun not to turn me into a lobster. I may post a few pics so everyone can be jealous but if you don't see an update for a few weeks, you'll know why.
I will post pics of the boys and their parties in the next few weeks but first we are going on vacation. That's right.....I have 16 straight days off of work. I won't know what to do with myself but it will be worth it. Al and I are going to have a trip without the boys for the first time ever! We will be dropping them off at Granny and Papaw's house Monday night and then leaving for Florida Tuesday morning. Sunday we will head back to Granny and Papaw's house and stay through Friday. Al graduates Saturday the 20th and then I have free time with the family until the 25th. What a glorious month this will be. So, send great vacation vibes and tell the sun not to turn me into a lobster. I may post a few pics so everyone can be jealous but if you don't see an update for a few weeks, you'll know why.
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