Our baby is not a baby anymore. Carson set off for first grade this morning. He is now officially in school a full day! He enjoyed choosing his school supplies and carefully thought out the exact color he wanted his backpack to be. Last night Carson told me that he "doesn't take baths anymore, just showers". When I asked him why he wanted to switch he informed me that "baths are for little kids and all you do in the bath is play. I'm a big kid now and just need to get clean and play a little air guitar". I couldn't help but laugh because he was 100% serious.
I started up the shower for him and he washed off, scrubbed his hair, and proceeded to play air guitar for 5 minutes. It was took cute. He also wants to wear boxer briefs or boxers only now because briefs are for little kids too. When did my baby start referring to a group of children as little kids??? Wasn't he just in diapers?
I can't wait to see what first grade has in store for our big guy. He is ready to dive head first into everything at the moment and we are loving it. Six years old has turned out to be so much fun!

Elias heads back to preschool on Tuesday with the same teacher and schedule as last year. He can't wait to see his friends but today he was sad that Carson was going to be gone the entire day. They really do love each other even though some days they fight each other on every little detail.