That's right folks...I was offered the nursing position of my dreams today after my big interview yesterday morning. This summer after taking my NCLEX (and passing) I will officially be working in the NICU at Children's Hospital as an RN with my BSN. WHOOOHOOOO! All of my education has paid off and my goal of being a NICU nurse and helping families and infants go through one, if not THE, most trying times of thier lives. I thought my interview went quite well yesterday and after almost two hours with HR and the nursing manager on the unit, I felt confident that I would get an offer. They told me that I would know by the end of next week. Then after a hard and exhausting 13.5 hour clinical shift today, I came home to a message on my answering maching offering me a job! The pay is great, the benefits excellent, and the job is the whole reason why I changed majors from medical technology to nursing in the first place. What more could I ask for?
Oh yeah, and I'm not getting screwed over like the typical "new RN grad" and having to work night shift or rotating shifts. I was able to pick day shift and will be working 12s and am even able to pick a 36 hour or 40 hour/week schedule. Thanks for listening to me go on about the next step in my life for the past few minutes. I can't wait to get out there and start working with the patients that our wonderful Children's Hospital takes care of every day. Children's has been such an intrical part of our lives for the past year and has saved both Carson and Elias's lives. I will be proud to be employed at this institution right out of college.